
Thursday, May 21, 2015

Passion Orange Guava Juice Available Online

If you have not been to Hawaii yet, perhaps you never heard about POG juice. Well, POG is the national drink of Hawaii, and nearly all flights of Hawaii serve their guests with this amazing juice. POG or Passion Orange Guava juice is the mixture of Passion fruit juice, Orange juice, and Guava juice. 

passion orange guava juice
Passion Orange Guava Juice
Orange and Guava juice are common, but the Passion fruit juice is not common around the world. Well, talking about Passion fruit, it is invented in Brazil, & was taken to Argentina. It comes in different varieties and the origins of the yellow variety is not known, nevertheless many claim that it was originated in the Amazon rainforest of Brazil. The purple variety originated in Australia and then carried to Queensland, Hawaii and other parts of the world. Passion fruit is round in shape, and about 8 inches in circumference. It has a smooth rind which kind of wax like. In the middle of the fruit there is a cavity which contains sacs of membranes. The taste of this fruit is similar to guava.

Coming back to Passion Orange Guava juice, it is now available in stores near you or you can simply utilize your web resources and order online this delicious juice.

Furthermore, you can try different juice mixing recipes with the POG juice.

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